Aspiring journalist from South Devon, UK


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When I found out that Casey would be releasing a video for Little Bird I was so excited, it's one of my favourite songs from Love Is Not Enough and I couldn't wait to see how they would envision it. This will be the fifth video that the band have released, and Casey videos are usually quite simple yet extremely emotional so I was excited to see how this song was portrayed, with it already being a very touching song for me. I was fascinated by the video from the get go, although at first it did take me a while to get into it and to try and make some headway on understanding the thoughts behind it.

The video starts off in a pretty dark and dishevelled room that looks like it could be a pub basement or something of that sort, littered with beer bottles and a beaten up looking arcade machine. The lighting in the opening scene is stunning, and puts across quite a doomy yet mysterious atmosphere. A theme that seems to crop up quite often during a number of Casey songs is hell, and I get the feeling that the red glow of the room could definitely symbolise this in some way. We then switch to a scene of a rather bare, dispirited looking Tom sat in the bath- at first it seems like he is trying to drown himself but he manages to pull himself back up from under the water. It's almost like the bath is the only place he may feel like he's not down in 'hell'. A few minutes later we see him entering a room complete with peeling and murky wallpaper that looks just like the waiting room of a doctors surgery which inhabits a few dejected looking people (including Casey's own drummer Max), or should I say patients. On the receptionists desk there is a cross-stitching with the words "yours is the only love I've ever known" written in a contrastingly happy pink coloured thread, which of course is an old link back to the Casey song 'Teeth'. The camera then flicks to clock hands going round with an accelerated speed, which signifies that the patients are simply just waiting for time to pass.

Turning back to Tom, we see him walking back out of the waiting room past a sign saying "Happiness this way" which returns to the previous room with the bath in it; further enhancing my thoughts that the bath is his only escape route from reality. The lyrics of this scene being "we would never make it out of the hell that we created" provides another link and even more justification for my thoughts. Nearing the end of the video the setting switches between the basement and the bath, signifying that Tom and the other patients are stuck in this routine day in, day out just searching for a temporary escape. As the song hits its most potent last verse we see tempers exploding in the basement, as an uneasy atmosphere is created between the patients as their repressed frustrations being let out, representing them reaching their highest points of desperation. The lyrics "I hope someday you will ache the way I ache" further represent this sense of melancholy despair.

This is just my own personal interpretation of the video, and I am by no means saying that this is what the video is meant to be about. I'm sure that other people may have a completely different understanding behind it. I did really enjoy trying to figure out this video for myself and I think Casey have done a tremendous job with it, not to mention whoever is responsible for all of the camera work and lighting effects. Another spot on video from Casey!

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